The Hybrid System of Fluidization and Sediment Flushing for Maintenance Dredging Technique

Rudi Azis, Farouk Maricar, Muhammad Arsyad Thaha, Bambang Bakri


The Hybrid System of Fluidization-sediment flushing is a dredging technique that combines the functions of fluidization and suction in the same fluidization pipe using a perforation pipe. The purpose of this study was to address an easier dredging method using fluidization pipes. 2-dimensional (2D) experimental physical modeling research and multiple linear regression analysis were used to process the test result. The results found that for optimal sediment flushing after the sediment layer was agitated by fluidization, the influence parameter was analyzed must follow the limitations of the experimental result, such as the hole diameter (Df) is not more than 5 mm (Df < 5 mm), the hole distance (ɑ) is less than 5 cm (ɑ/db < 5 cm), the pump head (HP) is small, and the fluidization pipe depth/sediment thickness (db) can be larger. The research findings are presented in the correlation equation which indicates the relationship of dimensionless parameters was Vs/Vw = 1/Df ((ɑ/db), (HP/db), (t.(g×0.5)/(db0.5)), (v/(g.db(S – 1)0.5)) which can be applied to 3-dimensional experiments and field experiments. One of the advantages of the hybrid system of fluidization-flushing sediment is its ease of use and lack of impact on the aquatic environment as a dredging technique.


Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2024-010-07-013

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The Hybrid System; Fluidization; Sediment Flushing; Orifices Spacing; Pump Head; Sediment Thickness.


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