Asphalt Mix Compressive Stress-Strain Behavior: An Analytical and Experimental Study of Variable Influence

. Irianto, M. Tumpu, Franky E. P. Lapian


To address the excessive depletion of natural resources in Indonesia's civil construction sector, there's a rising trend in utilizing plastic waste from packaging, such as beverage bottles and plastic bags, alongside renewable energy sources like Modified Buton Asphalt (MBA). MBA serves as a partial substitute for both fine and coarse natural aggregates and non-renewable energy sources like petroleum bitumen. This study aimed to investigate the effects of incorporating polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polypropylene (PP) waste as partial substitutes for coarse and fine aggregates through experiments and t-tests. The objective was to determine how the stress-strain behavior of asphalt mixtures formed using MBA changed with the addition of this mixture. Additionally, compressive strength and elastic modulus were calculated under mixed compressive loads. PET and PP plastic waste replaced natural coarse and fine aggregates at three volume percentages: 1%, 2%, and 3%, with a PET:PP ratio of 50%. A manual grater was used to shred PET and PP plastic bottles into shredded plastic waste, which was retained in sieve no. 50 after sieving. The study found that adding PET, PP plastic, and MBA waste enhanced the asphalt mixture's mechanical strength and modified relevant variables, resulting in a more elastic and ductile behavior.


Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2024-010-05-011

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Asphalt Mix, Compressive Stress-Strain, PET, PP, MBA.


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