Strength and Acid Resistance of Mortar with Different Binders from Palm Oil Fuel Ash, Slag, and Calcium Carbide Residue

Akkadath Abdulmatin, Nurihan Sa, Saofee Dueramae, Sattawat Haruehansapong, Weerachart Tangchirapat, Chai Jaturapitakkul


This study deals with the use of ground palm oil fuel ash (GPOFA) in combination with ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) and ground calcium carbide residue (GCR) to produce the binary and ternary binders-based alkali activated mortar. The appropriate content of materials in each binder type was determined as a function of compressive strength. The results revealed that both GPOFA:GGBFS and GPOFA:GCR binders had an optimum blending ratio of 70:30 wt%, while the GPOFA:GGBFS:GCR binder was 55:30:15 wt%. An alkaline catalyst of NaOH was admixed to the best mixture in each binder type to stimulate the mortar's compressive strength. The sulfuric acid (H2SO4) resistance of the mortar in terms of weight change was also examined. The addition of 1M NaOH in both binary and ternary binders could enhance the compressive strength and H2SO4 resistance of the mortar. The highest compressive strength and lowest weight change due to soaking in H2SO4 solution were found in the ternary binder mortar with a 1 M NaOH. The mortar with GCR immersed in H2SO4 solution resulted in an increased weight, which was different from that of the mortar without GCR. The microstructural analysis of the alkali-activated pastes indicated more reaction products than in the case of the pastes without alkali activator. However, a higher concentration of 2 M NaOH resulted in a poor microstructure, which had a negative effect on the compressive strength and H2SO4resistance.


Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2024-010-07-08

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Calcium Carbide Residue; Granulated Blast Furnace Slag; Palm Oil Fuel Ash; Alkali Activated Mortar; Sulfuric Acid Resistance.


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