Artificial Neural Network-Based Prediction of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Concrete Containing Glass Aggregates

Faroq Maraqa, Amjad A. Yasin, Eid Al-Sahawneh, Jamal Alomari, Jamal Al-Adwan, Ahmad A. Al-Elwan


This comprehensive study analyzes the use of crushed glass as both fine and coarse aggregate in concrete, as well as the prediction accuracy of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The primary objectives are to understand the interactions between concrete’s constituents and to assess the accuracy of ANN models in predicting concrete’s mechanical and physical properties. This is achieved using a two-decade experimental results dataset of concrete’s compressive and tensile strengths, slump, density, and the corresponding mix design proportions, including waste glass aggregate. A series of 70 concrete samples were carefully built and tested, with compressive strengths varying from 12 to 71 MPa and glass aggregate percentages ranging from 0-100%. These samples served as the basis for the creation of an input dataset and ANN targets. The ANN model underwent intensive training, validation, testing, and statistical regression analysis. The ANN models are exceptionally accurate, with a continuously low error margin of roughly 2%, highlighting their usefulness in matching experimental and predicted results. Validation techniques highlight the models' dependability, with consistently high coefficients of determination (R-values), including 0.99484, demonstrating their robustness in replicating complicated concrete properties. The data analysis shows a unique pattern, with optimum glass aggregate percentages in the range of 10–20%. Beyond this range, there is a noticeable decline in concrete properties. Finally, the study confirms the efficacy of ANN in predictive modeling while also validating the potential of crushed glass to replace natural aggregates in concrete.


Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2024-010-05-018

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Glass Aggregates; Compressive Strength; Splitting Tensile Strength; Density; Slump; ANN.


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DOI: 10.28991/CEJ-2024-010-05-018


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