Concrete Strength and Aggregate Properties: In-Depth Analysis of Four Sources

Kamal Hosen, Md Abdulla Al Maruf, Rayhan Howlader, Kripendra Chakma, Md Rezars Mia


In the field of Reinforced Concrete Construction, concrete emerges as the predominant and extensively employed construction material. Concrete comprises a solid, chemically inert granular substance called coarse aggregate (CA) bonded with cement and water. Compared to fine aggregate or cement, CA has a larger volume of concrete. By examining the characteristics of the coarse aggregate using various laboratory testing processes, the coarse aggregate may be properly used in concrete. Bangladesh is experiencing significant growth in its infrastructure industry due to the construction of mega projects nationwide. For the building of RCC in Bangladesh, coarse aggregate is mainly procured from two sources in Bangladesh, and another is imported from China. This study aims to develop a clear understanding of aggregate and concrete strength quality for different coarse aggregates and track changes in the appearance of CA from multiple sources in China and Bangladesh. Coarse aggregates were collected from four prominent sources: Jaflong and Bholaganj (Bangladesh), Shandong, and Jiangsu (China). ACV (aggregate crushing value), gradation, voids, and unit weight; AIV (aggregate impact value), absorption, specific gravity, and resistance to abrasion-induced deterioration; and Los Angeles (LA) machines’ impact tests have been conducted for all sources of CA. The concrete cylinder was made and tested for all sources of CA with the same ratio of cement, sand, and water to know the concrete strength for different CAs.


Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2024-010-04-016

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Unit-Weight; Concrete Strength; Coarse Aggregate; Fineness Modulus; Abrasion; Specific Gravity.


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