Derivation of Optimal Two Dimensional Rule Curve for Dualistic Reservoir Water-Supply System

Nasser Khalaf, Thair Shareef, Mustafa Al-Mukhtar


In arid and semi-arid regions particularly vulnerable to climate change, optimizing the long-term operation of multi-purpose reservoirs is paramount. This study derived an optimum two-dimensional rule curve to jointly operate the parallel reservoirs of Mosul and Dukan, Northern Iraq. A hybridized optimization technique combining conventional dynamic programming with the shuffled complex evolution algorithm (SCE-UA) was developed to solve this problem. The results showed that the proportion of normal water supply areas increased from the beginning of the flood season (October) to its highest levels in April (58.77% of the total water supply area). The proportion decreased to its lowest in September (25.04% of the total water supply area). The newly derived 2D rule cure was compared with the current operation policy and was found to optimize the amount of water shortage by 21.1% during the operational period. It also reduced the shortage period and avoided catastrophic water shortages during droughts. In addition, the developed model optimized the amounts of water more than the joint water requirements, suffering from a significant deficit in meeting the demand during some months of the operational years. As a result, the storage in each reservoir was improved and thence can be adapted to face water shortages during future climate changes. This study proved the new hybridized model's applicability and can serve as a tool for sustainable water management.


Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-07-016

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2D Rule Curve; Optimization; Shuffled Complex Evolution Algorithm; Dualistic Reservoirs; Iraq.


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