Investigating the Impact of Changing the Usage Type of Existing Structure Using BIM

Heba Mustafa Mahmoud, Aly Abdel Fayad, Ayman H. Nassar


Many real estate owners change the building in terms of the type of usage in response to changes in economic conditions and the requirements of the surrounding environment to get the best potential financial return. To investigate the possibilities of changing the real estate's usage, the owners of these existing structures turned to feasibility study experts for assistance in making the optimum alternatives. So, they need an integrated model between VE and BIM, especially applicable to an existing structure, to determine the optimum usage type for the existing structure. Value Engineering (VE) and Building Information Modeling (BIM) must be connected to profit from both outputs simultaneously. Previous studies only investigated the VE alternatives during the design phase; when they decided to reduce project costs by using construction materials alternatives, they ignored existing structure alternatives significantly when changing the usage type. This study attempts to provide an integrated model between VE and BIM that can be applied to the existing structure to assist in determining the best alternative in terms of the type of usage for such existing structures by conducting BIM methodology such as a feasibility study, including BIM software such as Revit and Primavera. A feasibility study that contains the bank rate of interest. As a result, the maximum financial return is obtained based on predetermined criteria and in compliance with decision-making requirements.


Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-08-06

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Building Information Modeling (BIM); Value Engineering (VE); Optimal Solution; Feasibility Study; Integrated Model.


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DOI: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-08-06


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