Historical Morphodynamics Assessment in Bridge Areas using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
Currently the Ministry of Construction is responsible for planning and construction of bridges across the country but remote sensing and satellite data are not widely used in the Ministry’s routine process. Although the inspection and monitoring are carried out by the conventional methods, the remote sensing and GIS techniques are available as an alternative way with time and cost saving. From this study, the channel migration in the locations of Ayeyarwady bridges will be analyzed and mapped by identifying temporal changes of channels. Google Earth Engine is used as the primary application in this study and surface water extraction from historical Landsat satellite imagery is done by GEE. River centerline processing and erosion-deposition area identifications are carried out by GIS technique. Study period of each bridge is between 1987 and 2017. Bo Myat Tun Bridge and Ayeyarwady Bridge (Pakokku) are toped in the list with highest migration and erosion-deposition rate according to the study. The goal of this study is to assist the bridge inspections and channel monitoring works by means of remote sensing and GIS techniques which are currently undertaking by Ministry of Construction with conventional techniques.
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DOI: 10.28991/cej-2019-03091429
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