The Uptake of E-Commerce Services In Johannesburg
The aim of study was to assess the pace of adoption and quality of E-Commerce services that are provided to customers in Johannesburg, South Africa. Data was collected from 180 E-Commerce enterprises operating in Fourways, Eastgate and Rosebank. A one-way multivariate analysis of variance model (MANOVA) with maximum likelihood estimation was used for comparing the three business districts of Johannesburg with regards to the average cost of services and the average length of time required for providing services to customers. The adequacy of E-Commerce services provided to customers was assessed based on criteria defined by Bonson et al. [1]. The study showed that there was no significant difference among the three business districts of Johannesburg with regards to both variables of comparison (cost and time). The results showed that the pace of adoption of E-Commerce services in the three business districts was significantly influenced by a combination of technological and organisational factors. The study has shown that E-Commerce enterprises in Johannesburg need assistance from the City of Johannesburg in areas related to infrastructure, economic incentives, skills-based training, and monitoring and evaluation.
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DOI: 10.28991/cej-2019-03091250
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