Assessing Multifaceted Effects of Speed Humps and Bumps: Travel Time, Safety, and Environmental Considerations

Sayed A. Shwaly, Amal El-Ayaat, Reem Osman


This study focuses on investigating the significant impacts of speed breakers on various parameters, including travel time delays, vehicle speeds, fuel consumption, pavement maintenance costs, and vehicular exhaust emissions. Field data was collected and analyzed to assess the effects of different types of traffic calming measures on these parameters. The findings provide valuable insights into the implications of speed breakers on road safety, environmental pollution, and overall road infrastructure management. The results reveal that the implementation of speed humps, speed bumps, and triple bumps effectively slows down vehicles, as evidenced by considerable reductions in the 85th percentile speeds. The reduction percentages were 41.65% for speed humps, 73.52% for speed bumps, and 86.27% for triple bumps. This indicates the effectiveness of these traffic calming measures in improving road safety by reducing vehicle speeds. However, the presence of speed breakers also leads to increased travel time delays. On average, traversing stretches with speed humps, speed bumps, and triple bumps resulted in delays of 9.31, 16.42, and 29.51 seconds, respectively. While the individual delay times may appear relatively short, the cumulative effect of multiple speed obstacles along a road needs to be considered. Another significant impact observed is the increased fuel consumption associated with speed breakers. The study found that for every 100 km of travel, motorcycles and passenger cars consumed approximately 12.07 km and 27.37 km of additional fuel, respectively, when the density of speed breakers was 1.33/km. This translates to a fuel consumption increase of 13.73% for motorcycles and 37.74% for passenger cars. Furthermore, the presence of speed humps was found to contribute to pavement deterioration, as indicated by decreased Pavement Condition Index (PCI) values. The study also revealed that sections with speed humps incurred significantly higher maintenance costs compared to sections without speed humps. The increase in maintenance cost ranged from 100 to 264% across different road sections, with higher traffic volumes leading to greater cost escalation. Additionally, the study confirms that lower vehicle speeds, particularly between 0-15 km/hr, are associated with higher emissions of pollutants, including carbon monoxide (CO) and other pollutants. This highlights the environmental implications of speed breakers and their contribution to urban air pollution.


Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2024-010-07-07

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Speed Humps; Speed Bumps; Travel Time Delays; Fuel Consumption; Pavement Maintenance; Exhaust Emissions.


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DOI: 10.28991/CEJ-2024-010-07-07


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