Assessing Liquefaction Potential in Alluvial Plains Through Spatiotemporal Analysis Using Liquefaction Probability Index

Badr Berkat, Ahmed Akhssas, Omar Elfilali


Liquefaction is one of the most important processes in soil dynamics. It is a loss of strength coupled with a rapid increase in pore pressure, causing soil particles to burst for a short period. Several approaches have been developed to calculate the residual or liquefied shear strength of cohesionless soils. Using the liquefaction probability index (LPI) created by Juang et al. (2003), the primary goal of this publication is to map spatiotemporal variations in the liquefaction potential of deposits in the Oued Drader and Marja Zerga alluvial plains of the mio-plio-quaternary Gharb basin. The cone penetration test (CPT) and semi-empirical techniques developed to measure the risk of liquefaction and create a mapping of liquefiable zones on a national scale for the first time are the primary sources of information used in the computation of the liquefaction potential index (LPI), which will be highly applicable and relevant for upcoming research projects. According to the IPL calculation, liquefaction is expected to be confirmed for the sandy and silty-sandy formations in Oued Drader and Marja Zerga. The spatial-temporal variations will depend on the formation's granulometry, saturation level, and liquidity limit. The lateral and spatial variety of the Marja Zerga and Oued Drader plain deposits is reflected in this architecture of liquefaction variation.


Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2024-010-06-018

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Liquefaction Probability Index; Dense Ground; CPT.


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DOI: 10.28991/CEJ-2024-010-06-018


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